Legal Counsel

Уровень дохода не указан

Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость, удаленная работа



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Crypto/Investment project is in search of a new team member -International Lawyer with experience/expertise in crypto/fintech (remote job)


-️Building up a network of business entities to optimize legal and regulatory obligations and taxation in strict accordance with the applicable laws;

-️Legal management of the firm's affairs and dealing with international jurisdictions;

️-Establishing and maintaining full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements such as obtaining necessary licenses;

-️Risk evaluation of the firm's overseas affairs and operations;

️-Managing banking affairs, including compliance to KYC procedures;

️-Managing our legal framework. Creation of agreements with vendors, contractors and partners based on their jurisdiction to protect our intellectual property, including trade secrets, to the fullest extent possible;

️-Monitoring relevant legal events and updating the agreements accordingly;


️-Acknowledged experience (not less than 6 years of PQE, preferably in financial segment or FinTech companies);

-️Experience in accessing international markets: Asia, MENA, Europe, USA (banking and the tech sector);

-Familiarity with cryptocurrency-related legislation, crypto-friendly banking and jurisdictions;

️-Experience in establishing business entities and opening bank accounts globally;

️-Result-oriented, responsible and self-organized;

️-Great communication skills;

️-Strong proficiency in Legal English;

100% remote work, great team, comfortable lvl of compensation (negotiable).

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский язык
  • Международное право
  • Negotiation skills
  • Трудовое право
  • Защита интеллектуальной собственности
  • Регистрация юридических лиц
  • Претензионная работа
  • Заключение договоров
  • Работа с большим объемом информации
  • Юридическая поддержка

Задайте вопрос работодателю

Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где располагается место работы?Какой график работы?Вакансия открыта?Какая оплата труда?Как с вами связаться?Другой вопрос

Вакансия опубликована 5 июня 2024 в Москве

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